Date of Award

Spring 5-8-2021

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)


Special Education


College of Education

First Advisor

Dr. Tiffany Hollis


The primary purpose of this research was to elevate the voices of minoritized girls of color (those with intersecting identities such as being Black, Brown and/or gender nonconforming, and/or having a disability) through creative writing and literacy, by engaging them in a process of inquiry that allowed them to creatively express themselves and to share their experiences within the school-to-prison pipeline. Using creative writing and a curriculum that the researcher created, the young women participating in various activities that helped them share their experiences and allowed them to think about countering the narrative about young girls of color and with intersecting identities in alternative education settings. As a result, they presented their findings to educators and administrators; sharing their experiences within the school-to-prison pipeline, as well as the growth shown, and the skills gained that they experienced from participating in the program.
